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We are specialists in Public Law in the areas of Administrative Law, Civil Procedural Law and Infrastructure Law. Tenders or Requests for Bids, administrative contracts, concessions, PPP’s, compliance and integrity programs, proceedings before Courts of Audits, administrative improbity lawsuits, public civil lawsuits, lawsuits against the public administration, tutelage, infrastructure of logistics (roads, public transportation, urban mobility, railroads, ports, airports and waterways) and social infrastructure (basic sanitation, education, health care, housing, urban mobility and water resources) are part of the body of practices of the office.
Visit: https://www.dalpozzo.com.br/
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Moody’s provides data, intelligence and analytical tools to help business and financial leaders make confident decisions. Moody’s has highly skilled analysts, rich data, robust tools supported by groundbreaking technologies, and a view of the future informed by more than 115 years of expertise. We help customers accelerate value creation in this Era of Exponential Risk in 4 ways including: Ratings – We strive to be the global rating agency of choice for debt issuers and investors, Research & Insights – Premier fixed income research business, Data & Information – A data business powered by one of the world’s largest database on companies (450M and growing) and credit, and Decision Solutions – Three cloud-based SaaS-businesses serving mission-critical Banking, Insurance and KYC workflows.
Visit: www.moodys.com
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